Wednesday, August 17, 2005

時の流れに身をまかせ(let time go by) by Teresa Teng

Teresa, one of my favourite Chinese singers. She was very popular in the 70's and 80's... passed away about 10 years ago.. This song brought her another high point in Japan...I didnt quite understand the lyrics when I was younger, but now I can really appreciate the meaning and wish that some day I would b saying this to my partner..if I find him:
If I had not met you
What would I be doing?
Leading an average life? Loving just an average guy?

Spending every day of my life with you
Colored by your love
We only live once
So even if I have to give up everything
I don't even care
As long as you are with me
Because you are the only person
I can fall in love with

If you no longer loved me
I would not have tomorrow
I would not be able to live on memories alone
Spending everyday of my life with you
Cuddling tenderly
even if I have to give up my life
It won't matter
As long as you are with me
Because you are the only person I can see
having a future with

Spending every day of my life with you
Colored by your love
We only live once
So even if I have to give up everything
I don't even care
As long as you are beside me
Because you are the only person
I can fall in love with

もしもあなたと 会えずにいたら
私は何を してたでしょうか
平凡だけど 誰かを愛し 
普通の暮らし してたでしょうか
時の流れに 身をまかせ
あなたの色に 染められ
一度の人生 それさえ
捨てることも かなわない
だから お願い そばに置いてね
今は あなたしか 愛せない

もしも あなたに 嫌われたなら
明日と言う日 なくしてしまうわ
約束なんか いらないけれど
想い出だけじゃ 生きてゆけない
時の流れに 身をまかせ
あなたの胸に 寄り添い
きれいになれた それだけで
いのちさえも いらないわ
だから お願い そばに置いてね
今はあなたしか 見えないの
時の流れに 身をまかせ
あなたの色に 染められ
一度の人生 それさえ
捨てることも かなわない
だから お願い そばに置いてね
今は あなたしか 愛せない


At 12:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

es muy triste escuchar este tipo de musica,
personalmente me declaro fan de TERESA TENG,
se hablar idiomas tanto: Chinos como Japonés
gratos recuerdos para un día como hoy
Saludos y gracias por publicar la letra.
Desde Lima, Perú


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