Tuesday, November 08, 2005

笑顔(Smiley) :-) by Honda Minako

今年3月に病床で作詞「笑顔」 本田さんが今年3月に病床で作詞した「笑顔」というタイトルの歌詞もこの日、公開された。関係者によると、曲はまだできておらず、CD化は未定。(以下原文のまま)
In March this year, while Minako san was sick in bed, she wrote the lyrics for a song titled "Smiling face". It was being published. However, according to the people who knew her, the melody for the song was not ready, so the CD release date is still undetermined.

笑顔 子供も、大人も、おじいちゃんも、おばあちゃんも、みんな、みんな 笑っている顔が素敵。怒っている顔よりも、泣いている顔よりも、困っている顔よりも 笑顔が一番!!
Smiling face, little kids, adults, old men and old women, everyone, when similing, is most beautiful. Rather than being angry, crying, and getting upset, one should smile, 'cause it is the best!


"Smile means happiness", alot of people know what it means in the heads but don't that in there hearts.

Open your heart, use the eyes of your heart, look around, you will find little sprouts of happiness growing!


Then, gradually, each one will give birth to smiling face.

When smiling face starts to grow, it will change into happiness very soon.


However, I think as we grow, we will of course there will be times where we feel bitter and sad, and we just can't help crying and will cannot open our hearts

At that time, we should not give up. You are not the only one who is unlucky.

もっと、心が暗闇に閉じこめられている人達も、沢山いることを、少しだけ思い出してみて。 自分の力で、心を開く人もいれば、誰かの愛で、心を開いてもらう人もいる。
Try to think about there are alot of people who would hide themselves in a dark corner.
If there is someone who will use his power to open his heart, there is always someone who will need this love to open his heart

気が付かないうちに心が開いている人もいれば、歌や音楽で、心が開く人もいる。それは、人それぞれだと思うの。 人は心が閉じたり、開いたり、いろいろな経験、そして、沢山心で感じることによって豊かな心を持ち、豊かな笑顔を育てて行けるのではないのかナ!?と私は思います。

自分自身、豊かな笑顔が増えたら、きっと周りにいる人達にも、幸せ届ける事が出来るでしょう。 笑顔がいちばん


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