Saturday, May 06, 2006

Pull up

After having worked out for so many years, finally I was able to do pull up without any assistance, in fact, I was able to do multiple sets towards the end of my workout today..which actually made it even harder.. don't know why.. all of a sudden I just wanted to try.. so I didn't use the pull up station.. just walked up to the pull up bar, grabbed it(just like a gymnast), closed my eyes, focused, then I pulled.. wow, it was so easy...not sure where that strength came from.. in fact I tried that last weekend and I still couldn't do it....together with dipping, I can finally do both of these strength building exercises without any help...

(Picture taken at Clark Kerr Campus, dorm where I used to stay at UB Berkeley)


At 11:09 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you have a pull-up bar at home? doing pull-ups is perhaps one of the best workouts for your back. i have my own pull-up bar and try to do pull ups often, though it's not often enough. i'll bring when i come to visit, and we can do some pull-ups at your place to practice.

At 11:13 p.m., Blogger Jack said...

nope, not at home.. but maybe you can work out at my gym together.. I have a guest pass for you.. no wonder you have such a nice back..we can do some push ups together too ;-)

At 11:33 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

can i come over and do pushups with you too?

-your secret TOP


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